Join The Marketing Mini Course

Hosted by Keith Kalfas and Learn the Most Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Presence Online

Here's What You'll Learn:

Your Marketing - Mini Course Workshop.
With Keith Kalfas & Walkthrough Guide

Learn social media and internet marketing strategies to get your business highly visible online with these five Key Modalities:

You: Self-discipline, Self-reflective, emotionally balanced, personal development.

Your Market: the amount of supply and demand in your local geographic area.

Your marketplace and competitive analysis

Your Marketing: defining your target customers, defining and creating your unique selling positioning and crafting your message.

Your People: building your team, surrounding yourself with people who have different strengths

Your Systems: turning your marketing into a processed that work like a machine that produces predictable results

Walk away with a better understanding of online small business marketing.


Take the Marketing Mini Course Now

Keith Kalfas will lead you through the five Key Modalities of marketing.

Join The Marketing Mini Course

Hosted by Keith Kalfas


50% Complete

Two Step

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